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Gateway to Freedom is proud to welcome you to the premier freedom conference in the Midwest for 2022.  We have an all-star lineup for you that includes medical experts, whistleblowers, truth tellers with diverse backgrounds and experiences over the last two years.


We will be livestreaming on Epoch Times--get it in the app or watch our social media for direct links.


The following is a preliminary agenda and will likely be adjusted as the event approaches.


We are working on Cat 1 AMA CME credits for the conference.  Will need paid ticket for any days you would like to claim credit.  (No mask!  No vax passports!  No harassment!)

Thursday 8-5

Medical Leadership

Location: LaSalle

8am Welcome M James

8:15 Panel Adjuvant therapies for Clinic
Deb Viglione, MD Ozone
Angie Farella, MD pediatric pointers

10:00 Panel Treatment Panel: Trends we are seeing
John Witcher, MD
Azima Rasiwala, DO
Pat Bauer, NP

11:15 Panel Escaping Medical Mafia
Molly Rutherford, MD
Avery Jackson, MD

12 LUNCH Top 5 Mistakes in Personal Security
Erik P, Asymmetric Solutions

1:00 PANEL Long Haul
Ram Yogendra, MD, MPH
Ryan Cole, MD

2:15 PANEL Emerging Threats
Christina Parks, Phd

3:45 PANEL Media training and Avoiding Censorship
Ben Wetmore, The Gateway Pundit
Carolina Galvan

Dr Gina Loudon

6:00 Dinner at Zapata’s 
8 Eastport Plaza Dr Collinsville
(walk just thru parking lot)
(Sponsored by James Clinic/Mollie James)


Friday 8-5

Parent's Summit

Location:  LaSalle


8-8:15 am Opening Ceremony (pediatric section)

8:15-9:00 am Mark MacDonald | PANDEMIC PSYCHIATRY

9:00-9:20 am Monica Wehby, MD | Neurosurgeon Speaks

9:20-10:20 am: Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD Pediatric Cardiologist|MYOCARDITIS

10:20-10:50 am: Panel Q&A

10:50-11:00 am: Break and Move to Main Session Hall

11:00-12:00 Peter McCullough, MD | (Main Session Hall----everyone attend)


12:00- 1:00 pm: LUNCH ----International Discussion in main session hall OR Networking Lunch in Pediatric area with speakers



1:15-1:45 pm: Christina Parks PhD | Covid Vaccine Injections ~Mechanisms of Injury

1:45-2:15 pm: VACCINE INJURY VICTIM FAMILIES SPEAK (Ernesto Ramirez, Nikki Holland)

2:15-2:30 pm: BREAK

2:30-2:50 pm: Katherine Welch MD | mRNA DATA

2:50-3:20 pm: Reni Moon, MD | COMMUNISM/CENSORSHIP & LOSS

3:20-3:30 pm: BREAK

3:30-4:00 pm: Angie Farella, MD |SOLUTIONS-WHAT DO WE DO NOW?  

4:00-4:30 pm PANEL Q & A


4:30-6:00 pm Happy Hour & Networking


Friday. 8-5

Real Medicine

Location: Center Hall A&B 

8:00 Welcome M James, D Trombly 

8:20 Panel : Deception and Legal Update 

      Moderator:  J Matty Nespoli 
Mary Bowden, MD—FDA & Suppression of Early Treatment 
Eric Nepute, DC 
Bryan Ardis, DC 



9:30 Panel : What is working 

       Moderator:  Mike Faris 
Deb Viglione, MD  Treating Brain Fog 

Aaron Williams, MD  
Monica Wehby, MD. Masks

10:30 Panel Broken Hearts 

      Moderator: Dr Gina Loudin 
Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD 
Peter McCullough, MD, MPH 
12PM LUNCH International Conspiracy 

      Moderator: Kat Lindley, DO 
Flavio Cadegiani, MD, PhD 
Jennifer Hibberd, DMD 

Jackie Stone, MD 
Tess Lawrie, MBBS, PhD* 
1:30 Panel : Corruption 

      Moderator:  Trent Loos 

LtCol Dave Trombly 
Jay Battacharya, MD, PhD 

Ed Dowd 

Steve LaTulippe, MD 

2:30 Panel:  Treating Vax Injury 

      Moderator:  Tamara Scott 
Christina Parks, PhD 
Ryan Cole, MD 
Ernest Ramirez 
Nikki Holland 



Moderator: Carl Lenore, Superhuman Radio 

Should pregnant women receive the shot? 

James Thorp, MD 

5:00 CLOSE 
VIP Dinner at Convention center


Ben Marble, MD 
ALL Speakers and VIP TicketHolders are Welcome. 


Saturday 8-5

Military and More

Location:  Center Hall A&B



M James K Milhoan-opening Prayer



Moderator:  Trent Loos

Capt Tom Stewart USMC-Mandates on Aviators in Pensacola

Maj XXXX USMC Esq-MAFL Suit, Anthrax Origins and representation in cases

CDR Rob Green-USN case resulting in TRO, Mandates in Navy



Moderator:  Tamara Scott

LtCol Dave “T Bone” Trombly-Medical Freedom, Mandate impact on USMC,

LtCol XXXXX-Mandates on USMC on west coast, and info on ADSEP boards

LtCol XXXX, USAF (Ret)- Mandates at USAF Academy and impacts




Moderator:  Trent Loos

Capt XXXX USA-Oath to constitution and state of armed forces right now

Maj Chris Lot USAF-Service Members Oath to Constitution

SSgt XXXX-Mandates impact to the younger ranks




Moderator: Tamara Scott

Capt Nick Morrison-Impact to USMC Pilots and pilot production

Dr Peter Chambers-Medical impact on military readiness

Dr Sam Sigoloff-DOD medical profession and impact



12 Media Panel 

Moderator:  Mollie James

J Matty Nespoli

Mike Faris

Tamara Scott

Trent Loos



Dr Robert Malone MD-MRNA vaccine and impacts to military and country



Moderator:  J Matty Nespoli

Aviation Impacts--Military & Civilian

Maj David Beckerman USAF – Vaxx rollout timeline and mandate with EUA

Josh Yoder



Moderator:  Mike Faris

Right & Regulations, Propaganda and Censorship

Trent Loos

Jim Hoft

John Burns

Richard Urso MD

Renata Moon MD



Dr Mollie James/Capt Tom Stewart USMC-Closing Remarks


(c) 2022 James Clinic

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